Opposite Spanish Words

Written by admin on August 23rd, 2012

We collected about 50 pairs of opposite Spanish words. This list is free for download.

Spanish English Spanish English
largo long corto short
verdadero true falso false
todo everything nada nothing
cerca close lejos far
ancho wide estrecho narrow
alto tall bajo short
gordo fat, obese delgado thin, skinny
listo smart tonto dumb
izquierda left derecho right
temprano early tarde late
rápido fast despacio slow
difícil difficult fácil easy
duro hard suave soft
subir to go up bajar to go down
guapo good looking feo ugly
interesante interesting aburrido boring
buen, bueno good mal, malo bad
mejor better peor worse
negro black blanco white
fuerte strong débil weak
siempre always nunca never
simpático pleasant, nice antipático unpleasant, not nice
ganar to win perder (e/ie) to lose
despierto awake dormido asleep
abierto open, opened cerrado closed
cubierto covered descubierto uncovered
grande big (size) pequeño small (size)
caliente hot frío cold
mucho a lot, much poco small (amount)
inicio start fin end
empieza begins termina ends
exacto right equivocado wrong
vacío empty lleno full
presente present pasado(a) past
dentro in fuera out
claridad light oscuro dark
rico rich pobre poor
barato cheap caro expensive
saludable well (healthy) indispuesto sick, unhealthy
arrancar start parar stop
ligero light pesado heavy
alegre happy triste sad
valiente brave cobarde cowardly
hacia adelante forward hacia atrás backward
perdido lost encontrado found
joven young viejo old
menor younger mayor older
mojado wet seco dry
limpio clean sucio dirty
amor love odio hate
más more menos less
aparecer appear desaparecer disappear
escrito written hablado spoken
nuevo new usado used
paz peace guerra war

Where to go next?

  1. PDF download:
    Opposite Spanish Words

  2. Common Spanish-English Cognates

  3. Common Spanish Adjectives

  4. Common Spanish Nouns

  5. Recommened Learn Spanish Resources

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